Monday, July 20, 2009

What about your home?

We are often taught to live the word, talk the word, take the gospel to the world. It should so be a part of us that people "just know" in their spirits that we are of God.

But what do our homes say?

What if you had to leave everything as-is, walk away and never come back...

And what if a non-believer had to take refuge in your home..

What testimony would your home (and the things in it) teach them about God?

I've mentioned how God is leading me to purge, clean, and prepare. One area is my home. And in that effort, I've prayed often, asking God to show me what things would not glorify Him. It's amazing how much we own that needs to go. God laid the questions above on my heart. If I believe it, why do I not surround myself with those things that are pleasing to Him? Why have we allowed excess to show our distrust? Why have we not prepared to occupy until He comes? How come I have not been a good steward and prepared for emergencies?

A lot to think about, and a lot of conviction laid on my heart.

Today has been a day of acknowledging those convictions and renewing the strength in Him and refocus once more on the tasks He has set before me.

So, thought I'd share with you and see what you think.

There are so many areas of our home that could be used to witness at a glance, the calming peace of organized homes, graceful and uplifting and praiseful decor.

But we could do deeper. What about our music choices? The books we read? The movies we own? The types of things we display AND hide all give a glimpse into our lives. What is of most importance to us?

I'd like you think about this as you go about your week...take a few moments to pray and ask God to show you what areas of your home could use His blessing and what things can be done for His glory. How can your very home be a testimony to the fact that you love and serve the Almighty God?


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